The day finally came when Boe’s cancer grew stronger than he. We knew it was time to take him in to the veterinarian to be euthanized but we dreaded making the trip. Sweet as he always was, the poor old guy was suffering. He was obviously in pain and we needed to be kind to our friend. We made a plan on Friday night that we’d take him as soon as possible on Saturday. Amid many tears our sweet kittie slipped off easily and peacefully and he’s now in the backyard with our other beloved kitties who have moved on.
It was a difficult weekend. We love our animals and consider them a part of our family. No, we didn’t spend thousands of dollars to try to eradicate his cancer. For one thing the cancer had spread to his lymphatic system before we knew he had it and for another he was, afterall, a cat. We loved him but also realized he was a cat.
Nevertheless, our grief at his loss is real. I’ve had many kind friends express their sympathy. Even those who aren’t big fans of the cat world. Those friends have at least been kind and compassionate enough to know that losing Boe was painful. But, I’ve felt sad at some of the insensitivity that Charles has had to face. Mean spirited comments by insecure men. Several of his friends who are kind souls have been caring so it isn’t as though he hasn’t had anyone who has offered sincere condolence. In fact, the only place he hasn’t faced kindness over losing his best buddy is at work.
After Boe’s death and burial on Saturday Charles felt that he needed time to grieve. He called in to work and explained the situation. He probably shouldn’t have told the reason for not going to work as he was then harassed and teased when he went to work on Sunday.
What kind of mean, insensitive, jerk would make fun of someone who is hurting? Apparently some misguided macho man. Someone who delights in other’s pain. It makes me feel angry that someone would hurt my son by his verbal barbs but it makes me feel sad for the person who can’t feel compassion toward another.
And so the world goes. Even if I don’t have the same life experience as another, even if I don’t believe what someone else believes, a little kindness goes a long way. Maybe this mean spirited person in Charles’s world isn’t a cat lover or even an animal lover but would it hurt to be understanding of Charles’s feelings?
Yes, Boe was a cat. But he was a kind cat. He accepted everyone. He befriended all cats and people who came into our home. He was an example, in my opinion, of what we should all strive to be.
I know it is easier said than done but really, if we put our own hurts and insecurities aside and just show some kindness, can’t we make our little section of the world a better place?
I can SO relate to what you all have gone through with Boe - my heart goes out to all of you and especially Charles. We love our kitties, too! They are family members, truly represent unconditional love, and lift my spirits! When I lost my first cat 22 yrs ago, I couldn't go to work for several days - couldn't stop crying. The baby cat that you all saw in Tulsa is now 2 yrs old - we recently celebrated the 2 yr anniversary of her joining the family. She follows me around the house, lays in the sink while I do hair and makeup every morning and sleeps ON me every night. We lost one of our dogs this spring to old age and are nursing our 15 yr old Retriever along - but that dreaded day looms over us. For now, he has a good attitude and doesn't seem to be in pain. The other two dogs play with him and keep his eyes and ears clean - what more could a sweet doggie want??