Tuesday, June 8, 2010

She's Having Trouble Getting Acquainted?

The adventure continues…

Things are actually going along much better than I thought they would! Mommie Dearest has now been officially in her apartment for two weeks and, all-in-all, I think it is going great! She, of course, has a different opinion.

She needs a couch so I took her shopping for one. That is a trick. She can’t remember one couch from the other in the time it takes to go from one side of the store to the other. I finally resorted to taking a photo of each couch and writing down the cost and dimensions. It could take months for her to make a decision. In the meantime, without a couch it just doesn't feel like home to her.

There have been a couple of ‘down’ days. One when she forgot to take her medication. Her doctor didn’t seem to think it should affect her but I’m not sure he is right. That will require observation. Another day she was just tired and weepy. She said she didn’t understand why she had two husbands and neither of them stayed alive long enough to take care of her in her old age. I didn’t have the heart to tell her she probably sucked the life right out of them! When her second husband died I told her she could not torture any more men. Lately I’ve been thinking one more could be sacrificed. But, she seems to think all of the men where she is living are too old. My attempts at matchmaking have largely fallen flat. It helps the matchmaking process if those being matched are able to remember one another from one meeting to the next.

Several times she has told me she is having trouble getting acquainted with people. Evidence points to the contrary. When she lived in Michigan she had three friends. She and her three friends forgot they weren’t in junior high, apparently, and would go to the dining room, commandeer ‘their’ table and intimidate others from trying to befriend them or sit with them. They sat at the ‘cool table,’ I guess. Anyway, now that she lives in Colorado she can’t seem to find a ‘cool table’ over which to reign. Recently she has taken to sitting with a group of men who welcome her company and say it is much more fun when she sits with them. Perhaps she can do some of her own matchmaking! Regardless, she tells me…

...she is having trouble getting acquainted.

A few days ago, while having lunch with Mommie Dearest, a woman named Marge told me that my mother seems to be doing great, participating in lots of things and meeting lots of people. This was all happening while my mother was having another conversation with a different woman about how her children had taken her car away and she couldn’t drive anymore and discussing and with yet another woman her hairstyle and the possibility of my mother adopting a similar style. Regardless, she tells me…

…she is having trouble getting acquainted.

Yesterday my siblings and I got an email from Mommie Dearest saying that she was doing volunteer work with the marketing rep at ‘The Village’ stuffing envelopes and affixing address labels in exchange for meal tickets. Today she will be having lunch with prospective residents and telling them all about her experience with moving into Cherry Creek Retirement Village. I’m sure she’ll tell them…

…she is having trouble getting acquainted.

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