Thursday, August 1, 2024

Take Two

Tink. Tink. Tink. 

Is this thing on?

Okay, that isn't a great similitude. A written blog doesn't actually equate to a microphone. 


It's just that it's time to dust off the ole' blog (Oh boy...yet another metaphor) and start writing again. When I originally started this blog nearly 15 years ago(!) I did it as a creative outlet and a form of therapy. I was writing a doctoral dissertation, my elderly and very challenging mother was moving from Michigan to Colorado so I could look after her, and my children were all living at home as either young adults or teenagers. My days were full and I needed something creative to keep me grounded. Writing helped.

I maintained the blog consistently for a few years as I earned a PhD, cared for my mother (aka Mommie Dearest), who was the subject of many posts, and watched the world grow increasingly darker. At some point it felt like I couldn't keep my perspective very well and it slowed my writing. Six years ago I wrote my last post.  

But lately I've been feeling a tug in my spirit to write again. My life is dramatically different now. With my artist husband, Steve, I own a business, my children are all thriving adults with lives and homes of their own, and Mommie Dearest left us, reluctantly, last December at 95 years old. With the encouragement of a few friends and family who enjoyed reading the blog, I've decided to give it another go. My perspective is better and I find myself observing situations with that old, familiar, quirky bent. I considered starting an all new blog but decided to pick this one up where I left off. Hence the tink, tink. Which, as I've already established, doesn't really work.

Nevertheless, here I am, ready to write about the quirky, silly, sometimes melancholy, twists and turns of life. The intent is still my personal therapy but, if you happen to enjoy reading my posts, I invite you along for the ride. I have no idea where it will take us.

Let's see where this thing goes!

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