Status has always been a big deal to my mother. I guess it must be a lifelong concern because even at 81 she is playing her status cards at every opportunity.
Last weekend the ‘Village’ had a style show. I didn’t plan to attend with my mom but she was looking forward to going. One of my favorite residents, Phil, laughingly told me he was going to attend, but he would be on the second story overlooking the atrium, prepared to spit or catcall, depending on what seemed most inappropriate. He also told the coordinator of the style show to have plenty of duct tape handy. I love Phil.
Anyway, my mom was prepared to attend the style show but at the last minute she was asked to be a model. The store sponsoring the show was Coldwater Creek and my mother was asked to model something from their ‘junior’ department. Okay, so I’ve been in a Coldwater Creek store before and I’m sure they have perfectly nice clothing but I always think I’m simply not old enough to wear those fashions. I’m having trouble envisioning a junior department. Regardless, my mom was asked to participate. Initially she declined the invitation because she can’t walk very well without support of her walker or something to stabilize her balance. She was told, however, that a suitable escort would be found so that she could leave her walker behind. In no time she was donning a pair of red Capri pants and strutting through the atrium with a handsome stud on her arm. She suddenly achieved celebrity status!
Someone from the ‘Village’ staff took photos of her and gave my mom copies. She showed the photos to pretty much everyone in the place. All were impressed. I think she was the only model who merited a hunky guy as an escort, which improved her position considerably.
In addition to being a fashion model, she has started volunteering in the marketing office at the ‘Village.’ She invited a friend to volunteer with her a few days ago but apparently found the other woman’s inability to follow directions frustrating and finally concluding that the other resident simply hadn’t ever worked a day in her life. The first time my mom volunteered she was given a free meal ticket. After working the second time she asked for her free meal ticket and was told that the marketing budget didn’t allow for a meal ticket every time she worked. She was miffed about that and said she didn’t plan to volunteer anymore.
Perhaps we need to review the meaning of the word volunteer. Regardless, I’m sure the status she gets from ‘working’ there will have her back in volunteer mode soon. Not without complaining and griping about the lack of compensation, I am sure, but she’ll be working nonetheless.
Being in a relationship also seems to enhance one’s status in her living environment. I thought a romance was in the works a couple of weeks ago. She seemed to have her sights set on a particular man. She found a way to sit by him, boss him around, receive gifts from him and in general make sure he knew all about her. I thought for sure love was in the air. I expected a visit from Captain Stubing and Julie at any moment. But, it seemed to have ended as quickly as it started. I asked about him the other day and her response was, “Oh, he gets on my nerves.” “Why,” I asked. “He slobbers when he talks,” came her impatient response.
Clearly a deal breaker….status or no status.
what a great moment for her. It appears she is acclimating to her new surroundings quite well!